Learning Opportunities

As we journey together in Christ we find that we meet challenges and opportunities along the way. Our journey can take us in a number of different directions, sometimes we can feel fully equipped for all that lies ahead and at other times we can sense a need for equipping.

Training & Development is an essential part of equipping the whole people of God in their journeys together.

A list of events can be accessed here


To sign up for the Learning Network Eastern Region newsletter, email  

Learning Network Eastern Region

 Meet The Team



Gillian Thomas is a Learning & Development Officer for the Eastern region, aligned with the Lincolnshire District. Gill has worked for the statutory and charity sectors in various parts of England and her passions lie in social justice and theology in popular culture. Married to Rob and mum of Max, she lives in Lincolnshire where she is also a Reader in the Lincoln Diocese.  Gill's main areas of work are children, youth, families and intergenerational work; the Reconciliation and Mediation Pilot project and leading on pastoral work and pastoral visitor training.

Contact Gillian            07799 902581 

 Thomas G


 Banks J

Jenna Thorne is a Digital Learning & Development Officer for the Eastern region, aligned with the East Anglia District.  Jenna has an extensive background in creative arts ministry, theatre and community work. Jenna works part time and is also Artistic/ Executive Director of therapeutic arts charity, Talitha Arts. Jenna's main areas of work are digital communications, engagement & mission; stewarding; and student ministry. 

Contact Jenna          02074 675190


Michael Wadsworth is a Learning & Development Officer for the Eastern Region. He has a background in young adults ministry and training development. He carries a deep passion for teaching, biblical studies and theological reflection and particularly loves to help communities read the Bible with greater confidence and expectancy.  In his spare time he also tutors for King's School of Theology. He lives in Derby where he worships as part of a small, experimental church plant. Michael's main areas of work are helping to coordinate Bible Month on behalf of the Learning Network as well as supporting the work of Local Preachers and Worship Leaders.

Contact Michael    07791 036801  

 Wadsworth M


 Pimlott N

Nigel Pimlott is a Learning & Development Officer for the Eastern region, aligned with the Nottingham & Derby District. As a trainer, thinker, strategist and coach he has a passion for mission, innovation, creativity and helping people make a difference in the world. Nigel’s main areas of work are pioneer ministry, supporting new places for new people ministry, leadership development and church/circuit visioning.

Contact Nigel        07799 900468 


Stuart Watkin is a Learning & Development Officer for the Eastern region, aligned with the Bedfordshire, Essex and Hertfordshire District and with responsibility for Equality, Diversity & Inclusion.  He has worked in education for two decades, in prison education, the Sixth Form College sector and secondary schools, and was Vice Principal of an Academy in London. He lives in London with his wife and dogs. Stuart's main areas of work are equality, diversity & inclusion; additional needs and chaplaincy.

Contact Stuart         07825 669586

 Stuart Watkin website pic eastern region jpg





Contact Info

(Please contact Danielle Gravestock/The District Office only for matters that relate to the Methodist District. For Local Church or Circuit matters please contact the people on the individual Circuit and Church pages.)

01603 625765

Danielle Gravestock

The District Office
Chapel Field Road Methodist Church

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