World Church Action Team
As Methodists we are all part of the world wide Methodist family. The District World Church Action Team meets 3 times a year and is committed to raising awareness and encouraging initiatives in partnership with the World Church.
Partnership link between East Anglia District, UK and Harare West District, Zimbabwe
A new partnership was launched on 29 January 2022 between East Anglia District and Harare West District, Zimbabwe. To watch edited highlights of the launch service, which included music, readings and reflections from both countries, click here.
Further information on the partnership can be found here.
Global Encounter - Saturday 20 March 2021 Global Encounter (click on words to open YouTube link)
A chance to be inspired by stories, updates and news from around the world. Listen to a fascinating Interview with Deacon Angleena Keizer, Mission Partner living in Bethlehem. Find out how young Methodists from around the world will be active at COP26. Get ideas of how to share in global encounters at your local church. Hear the challenges and aspirations of mission partners in training at Wesley House. This joint event was hosted by Global Relationships and East Anglia District.
For latest news about mission partners and partner churches around the world, see news from Global Relationships or read the Global Relationships ENewsletter here
To view earlier World Church News Bulletins click here
The District currently supports:
National In Mission Appointments
Rev. Dr. Jayachitra works with the Christian Education department of the Church of South India and is being supported through the Nationals in Mission programme. This is a new link for us, following on from the support we gave to the Leprosy Mission work in Upper Myanmar through the same programme (see below). The National in Missions programme is funded through the World Mission Fund and administered through World Church Relationships. Nationals in Mission Appointments Grants fund the post of a national of the Partner Church to do strategic mission work for the Church for five years.
Rev Jayachitra, whose first name is Lalitha, is a theological educator with research expertise and publications in Biblical Theology, Postcolonial and Feminist hermeneutics. She is a Deacon of the Church of South India from Karnataka Northern Diocese. Through supporting the World Mission Fund, you will be supporting her work. She sent this report in September 2018 about her work.
Since 2013 we have been supporting Rev Myo of the Leprosy Mission in Upper Myanmar. We recently made a financial donation to the 125th anniversary events in Myanmar. We received these photos in early March 2018 which show the celebrations taking place PhotosfromUpper_Myanmar.doc. We will continue to support this link through prayer.
Mission Partners
Our District is linked with Angleena Keizer who works with the Methodist Liaison Office in Jerusalem.
We are linked with mission partners the Revd Freddy (until recently a minister in Norwich) and Mrs Dee Takavarasha. They are serving overseas as mission partners, firstly in Uganda in partnership with the Methodist Church in Uganda and since January 2019 in the Kimberley, Namibia and Bloemfontein District of The Methodist Church in Southern Africa.
Methodist Women in Britain link
Another link with our District is with Bishop Everald Galbraith from the Methodist Church in Jamaica. Methodist Women in Britain in East Anglia is supporting a project called ‘Bees, Beds and Blessings’. Bees are being kept and the honey harvested for sale as a way of raising revenue to sustain the work of the church. The project also supports the Wesley Mount Manse restoration which is converting the manse into bedsits for teachers who are working in a local, very rural Methodist school.
Supporting the work through prayer
We ask that you hold all of the people mentioned above in your prayers as well as the many other people, places and projects around the world known to you or your church/Circuit. Our Methodist Prayer Handbook is a great resource for supporting our prayers.
For further information on World Church matters, please contact:
Sarah Friswell, Communications Secretary on Email