Grapevine Magazine

The District regularly publishes a District Newsletter "grapevine". Please contact Danielle Gravestock at the District Office if you require a large print or audio version of the newsletter.  Contact details are below.


The April 2024 issue can be read through this link

A PDF version of the April 2024 edition is available here


The September 2023 issue can be read through this link

A PDF version of the September 2023 edition is available here


The April 2023 issue can be read though this link

A PDF version of the April 2023 edition is available here


The September 2022 issue can be read through this link

A PDF version of the September 2022 edition is available here


The April 2022 issue can be read through this link

A PDF version of the April 2022 edition is available here


The September 2021 issue can be read through this link

 A PDF version of the September 2021 edition is available here


The April 2021 issue can be read through this link

A PDF version of the April 2021 edition is available pdfhere


The September 2020 issue can be read through this link

A PDF version of the September 2020 edition is available pdfhere


The April 2020 issue can be read through this link

A PDF version of the  April 2020 edition is available here pdf 

Rev Sharon Thraves sabbatical reflections are available here:




The September 2019 issue can be read through this link

A PDF version of the September 2019 edition is available here pdf


The April 2019 issue can be read through this link

A PDF version of the April 2019 edition is available here pdf


The Spring 2018 issue can be read through this link

A PDF version of the Spring 2018 issue is available here pdf

An additional article not published in the Spring 2018 issue is available here pdf


The Autumn 2017 issue can be read through this link.

A PDF version of the Autumn 2017 issue is available here pdf


The Spring 2017 issue can be read through this link

A PDF version of the Spring 2017 issue is available here pdf


The September 2016 issue can be read through this link

A PDF version of the September 2016 issue is available here pdf


The Spring 2016 issue can be read through this link

A PDF version of the Spring 2016 issue is available here pdf


The November 2015 issue can be read through this link.

A PDF version of the November 2015 issue is available here pdf



Contact Info

(Please contact Danielle Gravestock/The District Office only for matters that relate to the Methodist District. For Local Church or Circuit matters please contact the people on the individual Circuit and Church pages.)

01603 625765

Danielle Gravestock

The District Office
Chapel Field Road Methodist Church

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Registered Charity Number 1129451

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