Lowestoft - Trinity Methodist Church
Address: High Street, Lowestoft NR32 1HU The cark park entrance is in Park Road & the post code for that, to help sat nave users, is NR32 4HU
Church Website: Trinity Methodist Church
Circuit Staff:
Rev Martin Keenan
Phone: 01502 560178
Deacon Linda Kinchenton
Phone: 01502 717797
A large, light modern building opened in September 1970. Built to the Glory of God as a centre of HOPE – hope for the future, hope for our young people, hope for all ages built on faith. We have recently installed an AV system to enhance our worship. In addition to a Garden of Remembrance, which is a peaceful area to sit and remember loved ones, we have a Community Garden full of flowers, shrubs, trees and seating areas for all visitors to the church and neighbouring surgery and pharmacy to enjoy.
Church Activities:
Sunday Worship 10.45 am weekly worship
At Trinity we welcome families with children of all ages in the main church; there are tables at the back of the church, with a variety of activities, that children may wish to access and a small chapel, where there are some toys for younger children, that can be used while still being able to see and hear the service.
Playgroup – Mon-Fri 9.00am -12.noon Tel: 01502 501810
followed by Lunch Club on some days
Community Café Monday 9am – 1pm
(This is also a collection and distribution point for the local Food Bank)
Short Tennis – Monday 7.15 pm
Phoenix @ Trinity – Social Gathering with a varied programme
meets at 2.15 pm on 3rd Tuesday of the month
Women’s Evening Group – meets alternate Tuesdays 7.45 pm
Luncheon Club – Wednesday at 12.45 pm
Excel 2000 – Wednesday 2.15pm – 3.45pm
Musical movement for the over 60s
Activities are fun based and can be performed seated and standing Trinity Singers – Friday 4.30 pm
Crafty Club Saturday (monthly) 10.00am – 12noon
Bible Study Group – contact the Minister for details Tel: 01502 573048
Outside organisations which use the premises:
Blood Donor Sessions, Photographic Club, Choral Society, Maritime Society, Marks & Spencer Retirement Group, Bridge Club, U3A, Singing Futures children’s choir, Jack Rose Society, Foresters and Victim Support Group.
For Information about Baptism,Weddings & Funerals at Trinity or Corton contact: The Minister: Rev C Kennell Tel: 01502 573048
Accessibility at Lowestoft (Trinity)
The Methodist Church wishes to be an environment where all feel welcome and cared for. In order to allow for widest possible access, this church has the following facilities available:
- Wheelchair Accessible Access
- Wheelchair Accessible Toilet
- Loop
- Large Print
- Braille