Reepham and Cawston Methodist Church

Reepham (NN)

Traditional Chapel in a small market town comprising a population of 2,500.  Membership is 22 and average Sunday congregation 15-20.

Cawston Methodist Congregation (4-8) is a class of Reepham, who worship on Sundays at 2.30 p.m. in Cawston Jubilee Close Resident`s Lounge.  United with the Wesleyan Reform Union congregation.

Station Road,
NR10 4LJ

Minister: Rev Diane Grice

Sunday Worship:  10.30am – followed by Fairtrade tea and coffee at 11.30 a.m.Reepham Interior NN
1st Sunday of the month – All Age Worship
Once a month – Holy Communion,
open to everyone including children.

Reepham Midweek Activities:
(Please contact one of the Church Officers for further details)

TUESDAYS: Worship at Ewing Close – 2p.m. (fortnightly) in the residents lounge

WEDNESDAYS: 9.30 – 10.00 TOTSSPOT (Parents and toddlers group)
9.30-12.00 Morning Drop-Inn (coffee morning with Traidcraft stall).

THURSDAYS: Open Bible Group 8.00 p.m.  (every 2-3 weeks variable)

FRIDAYS: Rayzone Youth Club 7.30-9 p.m. (fortnightly in term time)
(RAY = Reepham Area Youth Project)

Contact: Ian Smith 01603 872028
or to view their website Click here

SATURDAYS:  4.30 – Monthly Worship in Corpusty Village Hill (date varies)

Social events include:  Fellowship Once A Month (“FOAM”), Bring and Share lunches, Outings, Quiz and Chip nights and musical concerts by the music group. Concerns actively supported; Action for Children, MRDF, Traidcraft, a village in Malawi and Christian Aid.


Accessibility at Reepham

The Methodist Church wishes to be an environment where all feel welcome and cared for. In order to allow for widest possible access, this church has the following facilities available:

  • Wheelchair accessible access
  • Accessible toilet
  • Loop
  • Large Print
  • Braille copy of Singing the Faith available


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Contact Info

(Please contact Danielle Gravestock/The District Office only for matters that relate to the Methodist District. For Local Church or Circuit matters please contact the people on the individual Circuit and Church pages.)

01603 625765

Danielle Gravestock

The District Office
Chapel Field Road Methodist Church

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Registered Charity Number 1129451

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