March - Trinity Methodist Church

March Trinity is a joint Methodist/URC church. The premises are extensively used by community groups including many with special needs. Church members play an active part in meetings of these groups and in the community. Registered for marriages.

High Street, March, Cambs, PE15 9LH

Sunday Worship 

Holy Communion: see church notices or consult the minister for more information

Minister: Revd Lorna Valentine

Phone: 01945 742 544


Midweek activities:
MONDAYS: Caring Together Group 9am - 3pm

TUESDAYS: Caring Together Group 9am - 3pm
TUESDAYS: Trinity Indoor Bowls Club 2 - 4pm and 7 - 9pm
WEDNESDAYS: – Coffee Morning (bring & buy) 10am - 12pm
THURSDAYS: Rainbows and Brownies 4 - 8pm


The Premises:  
Trinity has well appointed meeting/event accommodation for hire consisting of a large hall with a seating capacity of 100 and fully fitted kitchen adjoining. A first floor conference room for up to 30 people with a small kitchenette for tea/coffee. A TV/Video/DVD player is available together with overhead projector/whiteboard & easel for a small additional sum.
For details of hire fees and other information please contact Linda Hodson on 01354 654541 or email: .

Accessibility at March (Trinity)

The Methodist Church wishes to be an environment where all feel welcome and cared for. In order to allow for widest possible access, this church has the following facilities available:

  • Wheelchair Accessible Access
  • Accessible Toilet
  • Loop
  • Large Print


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Contact Info

(Please contact Danielle Gravestock/The District Office only for matters that relate to the Methodist District. For Local Church or Circuit matters please contact the people on the individual Circuit and Church pages.)

01603 625765

Danielle Gravestock

The District Office
Chapel Field Road Methodist Church

About Us

Registered Charity Number 1129451

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